En la serie de monografías sobre clásicos de la filosofía de la conocida editorial británica Routledge (Routledge Philosophers), se publica esta introducción a Husserl de D. Woodruff Smith. En ella se pretende ofrecer una visión global del pensamiento del filósofo y señalar su influencia en diferentes ámbitos de reflexión como la filosofía de la lógica, el lenguaje, la ciencia, etc., concluyendo la relevancia de su aportación a la discusión filosófica contemporánea.
W. M. Martin reseña este libro para Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews: "The Husserl presented here is not narrowly a phenomenologist, but in equal parts a philosopher of language and logic, a contributor to set-theory, an ontologist, epistemologist, mereologist, and even — in a tantalizing final chapter - a value theorist of sorts. The accounting Smith gives of all this goes a long way toward showing the fundamental unity in all these projects; moreover it systematically resists the old picture of Husserl lurching through a series of conversions — from psychologism to anti-psychologism, from realism to idealism, and so on. Smith’s Husserl lays down a fundamental position on a range of fundamental issues in his Logical Investigations, including a meta-theory of the unity of his various bodies of doctrine; in large measure he remains true to those commitments through the remainder of his career. Obviously this is a lot to cover even in a large book (nearly 500 pages), and at places one feels the lack of closer scrutiny, supporting evidence, or critical assessment. But the book fulfills its aims admirably, providing an advanced introductory survey of the whole of Husserl’s vast empire, together with provocative and illuminating interventions on a number of important particular points and disputes. But in the end the very clarity of the vision presented here also serves to bring some of the vulnerabilities of Husserl’s position into sharp relief."
Véase la recensión completa de este libro por W. M. Martin en Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews, Sept. 2007.
(via Continental Philosophy)
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